[Macro excel] How to create and export a sheet into a *.inp (or *.txt) file




I've got a little problem:
I would like to create with a macro a *.txt file in a specific folde
and copy the content of one the sheet on this *.txt file but I don'
know how to proceed.
In fact, I would be better for me to copy the content of this sheet i
a *.inp file (that is a quite weird extension), but a *.txt file woul
be good enough.

Thx for your hel

Mike Fogleman

Something like this:

Sub NewTextFile()
ChDir "C:\" 'your folder path
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Book2.txt", FileFormat:=xlText, _
End Sub

Mike F

Tom Ogilvy

You might want to add

Sub NewTextFile()
'ChDir "C:\" 'your folder path
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Book2.txt", _
FileFormat:=xlText, _
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

You also don't need to chdir since the path is specified in the file name.
If you did need to Chdir, you should also Chdrive as well.

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