SteveK said:
sometimes I want to type a word that starts a sentence without having
Word capitalize it. In order to do that I have to go to Tools
AutoCorrect Options and uncheck the Capitalize first letter of
sentences option. And then remember to turn it back the function
back on because most of the time this error correction is useful.
Is there a way to deal with this with a macro tool (or tools, because
I want to reverse the choice afterwards) in a toolbar?
Hi Steve,
The simplest way is to let AutoCorrect capitalize the letter, and then
immediately hit Ctrl+Z (Undo).
Another tool is available in Word 2002/2003. At the top of the Tools >
AutoCorrect dialog, check the box for "Show AutoCorrect Options buttons".
With that checked, when Word makes a correction, a little blue rectangle
appears under the changed text. Hover the mouse over that and you get a
button to click, with a little popup menu that includes an undo for that
correction. With this, you don't have to notice the correction right away in
order to undo it.
A less friendly alternative is to put the cursor anywhere in the capitalized
word and press Shift+F3 (Change Case) twice. A macro to do this while the
cursor is anywhere in the sentence looks like this:
Sub SentenceCase()
Selection.Sentences(1).Case = wdTitleSentence
End Sub
This macro could be assigned to a shortcut key for easy access.
Finally, as you requested, you can assign these two macros to toolbar
buttons (as explained in
Sub TurnOffSentenceCaps()
AutoCorrect.CorrectSentenceCaps = False
End Sub
Sub TurnOnSentenceCaps()
AutoCorrect.CorrectSentenceCaps = True
End Sub
I'd consider this the least friendly of all the alternatives, since you need
to remember to click one button before you type the sentence, and remember
to click it again afterward.