Macro for Append to csv



Hi guys,
I'm new here, if I'm posting in the wrong place, feel free to yell a
I have a dynamic range, which is defined by the number of non empty row
in a worksheet. (typically 10-20 rows). The number of columns are awlay
the same (6). So, If I have 10 rows, my range would be A1:F10.
Now, I need a macro to append this range to an existing csv file, an
have no idea how to do it, my abilities with VBA are limited, to say th
Any ideas


rooperi said:
I'm new here, if I'm posting in the wrong place, feel free to yell at
I have a dynamic range, which is defined by the number of non empty rows
in a worksheet. (typically 10-20 rows). The number of columns are awlays
the same (6). So, If I have 10 rows, my range would be A1:F10.
Now, I need a macro to append this range to an existing csv file, and
have no idea how to do it, my abilities with VBA are limited, to say the

Try this:

Sub AppendToExistingCSV()
Dim ro As Range, cl As Range, fn As Long, outP As String
fn = FreeFile
Open "C:\full\path\to\your.csv" For Append As fn
For Each ro In Range("A1:" & Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) _
outP = ""
For Each cl In ro.Columns
If VarType(cl.Cells.Value) = vbString Then
outP = outP & """" & CStr(cl.Cells.Value) & ""","
outP = outP & CStr(cl.Cells.Value) & ","
End If
If outP <> String(ro.Columns.Count, ",") Then
Print #fn, Left(outP, Len(outP) - 1)
'To continue after blank line, remove next 2 lines:
Exit For
End If
Close fn
End Sub

(As with everything I post, almost certainly not the best way to do it,
but it works.)

A few notes:
- Change "C:\full\path\to\your.csv" to point at the actual CSV.
- The path to the CSV (but not necessarily the CSV itself) must already
exist. (This will create the file if needed, but not the directory/ies.)
- The CSV can't already be open in Excel (or any other program that locks
files for writing) or this will fail. (You'll probably get error 70,
"Permission denied".)
- If you want this to continue on after encountering a blank line, delete
the two lines I marked.

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