Macro for calculating Duration


Tim Eitniear

I am trying to write a macro that will take 2 customized fields and populate the
duration field.

UnitsTested * DurationEa = Duration.

The goal of this is to create a template that all I wouuld have to do is change
the number of units tested, and do a save as to create the new schedule.

This raise the question, if I do this, how does it affect the amt of work I have
assigned to my resources?





If you wanted it to do this for all tasks then I'd do something like this:
First use the custom field Number1 for the UnitsTested and Duration1 for
Then run this code

sub tim()
dim t as task
for each t in activeproject.tasks
if not t is nothing then
if not t.summary then
t.duration = t.number1 * t.duration1
end if
end if
next t
end sub


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