I want to find the supplier number that exist in tabel 2 adn copy it
to my tabel 1.
To do that I need to comapre both tabels, 1 and 2 in steps:
1) compare the column - material number in tabel 1 and 2.
2) Compare the dates. In tabel 1 I have the date where the compan
bought the material.
IN tabel 2 I have the dates (valid from .- valid to) where the compan
was buying for a certain supplier.
The dates from tabel 1 need to be in between the dates in tabel 2, fo
If tabel 1 date is 3-february-2003, I need to find which supplier wa
valid in this period. and so on
Please take a look in the excel where I have the 2 tabels and it i
easy to understand hte problem
I dont believe the Macro is difficult to write, but I do not know ho
to do it
I really appreciate any help
Thanks a lot in advance
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to my tabel 1.
To do that I need to comapre both tabels, 1 and 2 in steps:
1) compare the column - material number in tabel 1 and 2.
2) Compare the dates. In tabel 1 I have the date where the compan
bought the material.
IN tabel 2 I have the dates (valid from .- valid to) where the compan
was buying for a certain supplier.
The dates from tabel 1 need to be in between the dates in tabel 2, fo
If tabel 1 date is 3-february-2003, I need to find which supplier wa
valid in this period. and so on
Please take a look in the excel where I have the 2 tabels and it i
easy to understand hte problem
I dont believe the Macro is difficult to write, but I do not know ho
to do it
I really appreciate any help
Thanks a lot in advance
Attachment filename: forum excel- macro problem.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=65361