I'd like to write a macro that saves my current file with its filename
followed by the date and time. For example, if the file is called Test.doc
and the date and time is 25 Feb 2004, 10:33pm, the backup file would be
called Test_040225_2233.doc. The current file name after running the macro
must still be Test.doc, so if the nomal save command is used, the current
document is still saved to Test.doc. Any ideas?
followed by the date and time. For example, if the file is called Test.doc
and the date and time is 25 Feb 2004, 10:33pm, the backup file would be
called Test_040225_2233.doc. The current file name after running the macro
must still be Test.doc, so if the nomal save command is used, the current
document is still saved to Test.doc. Any ideas?