Macro Formula revision?



How do I change the Macro so when I run the macro again to update values I
added to my source sheet I will get the correct update.

Everyday I add to the daily cash worksheet a new deposit.
After I recorded my macro to the last day of the month. Great.
But when I added data to the cash worksheet did not appear in check register.
So I updated the macro and did not work properly.
Also is it possible for macros to be inserted within the proper Date column.
Check register has 5 checks written for 11/1
then, 11/2 has 4 checks.
Can the macro place the cash deposit within these dates according?

Destination is Check Register
Source sheet is Daily Cash Totals
Example Below:

Sub mcrgetdeposits()
' mcrgetdeposits Macro
' Macro recorded 11/23/2004 by Mark

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A3:A32"), Type:=xlFillDefault
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=20
End Sub

Thank you,


Steve Smallman


Your problem is that you recorded the macro and highlighted a limited range
of cells. Quick answer to your query is expand the ranges to include the
maximum possible number of cells.

I assume that what you are doing with this code is using autofill to
generate dates in the cash deposit sheet copying these to the check register
sheet, and then copying whatever is in the cells in the F column of your
cash deposits and pasting to cell D70 in check register.

Is that what you intended?

I think what you need to do is re-record your macro to make it do what you
wanted, when/if you strike a problem repost to the programming group.

Before you do, I suggest that you have a think through your logic.

A quick look a the code generated seems to show that you were unsure of what
you were attempting to achieve. Rule one of macros is think first. Define
the problem and the methodology you are going to use to solve it.

I know that sounds rather negative, but it seems you are learning the way
most of us have, identifying a task, and building a solution to achieve that
task. Keep going! it really is worth it and it does get easier.


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