Hi there,
Really appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks a bunch in advance!!
On sheet 3, I have entered the following macro to keep track of the people
who modifies the file.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim UName, RecPointer
UName = InputBox("Name", "Enter your Name:")
RecPointer = Sheet3.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 1
Sheet3.Cells(RecPointer, 1) = UName
Sheet3.Cells(RecPointer, 2) = Date
Sheet3.Cells(RecPointer, 3) = Time
End Sub
The data is in sheet 2.
There are 3 questions,
1) What macro could be used to keep track of changes in different cells of 4
columns, say "x", "Y", "Z" and "S" from sheet 2 on 4 different coulmns in
sheet 3. The data I would like to track has to do with the item #, source
name, item code and status (specially items that are closed by the modifier).
2) How could we make the name entry on the pop-up window mandatory because
right now if we hit the cancel button it just stores the date only.
3) How can we make the tracking info permanent so that no one can delete that.
Really appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks a bunch in advance!!
On sheet 3, I have entered the following macro to keep track of the people
who modifies the file.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim UName, RecPointer
UName = InputBox("Name", "Enter your Name:")
RecPointer = Sheet3.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 1
Sheet3.Cells(RecPointer, 1) = UName
Sheet3.Cells(RecPointer, 2) = Date
Sheet3.Cells(RecPointer, 3) = Time
End Sub
The data is in sheet 2.
There are 3 questions,
1) What macro could be used to keep track of changes in different cells of 4
columns, say "x", "Y", "Z" and "S" from sheet 2 on 4 different coulmns in
sheet 3. The data I would like to track has to do with the item #, source
name, item code and status (specially items that are closed by the modifier).
2) How could we make the name entry on the pop-up window mandatory because
right now if we hit the cancel button it just stores the date only.
3) How can we make the tracking info permanent so that no one can delete that.