Thanks in adavance for any help provided!!
I am very new to VBA code. I am trying to create a macro for use in a
budget template. My template has accounts across the top and cost
drivers down the side. My general ledger will not accept pennies on
the dollar in budgetary figures. I have used data validation to
prevent this, but users can still paste over the validation. I was
looking for a simple macro that would search the range of entered
figures (from Acct 1 & ABC thru Acct 4 & PQR ... below) and highlight
any cell containing a decimal yellow. Heres the catch, once the error
is corrected, I'd like the cell to return to normal. I was thinking
the best way to do that was once the macro found a cell with a decimal,
it would enter some sort of conditional format into the cell. I was
also hoping there was a way for the macro to indicate in a cell on
another spreadsheet tab if an error was present (ie. the cell turns red
indicating an error or green indicating no error). My information looks
like this...
Acct 1 Acct 2 Acct 3 Acct 4
ABC 1200.00
DEF 1300.00
GHI 1000.00 2000.00
JKL 1500.50
PQR 1600.00
Budget 2200.00 2800.50 2000.00 1600.00
on my spreadsheet the amount under Acct 1 & ABC oocupies cell B2.
If anymore info is needed, I will gladly provide it. Thanks again for
any help.
I am very new to VBA code. I am trying to create a macro for use in a
budget template. My template has accounts across the top and cost
drivers down the side. My general ledger will not accept pennies on
the dollar in budgetary figures. I have used data validation to
prevent this, but users can still paste over the validation. I was
looking for a simple macro that would search the range of entered
figures (from Acct 1 & ABC thru Acct 4 & PQR ... below) and highlight
any cell containing a decimal yellow. Heres the catch, once the error
is corrected, I'd like the cell to return to normal. I was thinking
the best way to do that was once the macro found a cell with a decimal,
it would enter some sort of conditional format into the cell. I was
also hoping there was a way for the macro to indicate in a cell on
another spreadsheet tab if an error was present (ie. the cell turns red
indicating an error or green indicating no error). My information looks
like this...
Acct 1 Acct 2 Acct 3 Acct 4
ABC 1200.00
DEF 1300.00
GHI 1000.00 2000.00
JKL 1500.50
PQR 1600.00
Budget 2200.00 2800.50 2000.00 1600.00
on my spreadsheet the amount under Acct 1 & ABC oocupies cell B2.
If anymore info is needed, I will gladly provide it. Thanks again for
any help.