Macro HELP!



I am trying to build a macro that will check for the day of the week in
cell A1. "Mon", "Tue etc.., if true, it will copy the contents of
another cell and paste to another cell. Hope this is discriptive
enough. Help the newbie

Earl Kiosterud


I think you should ask a more specific question. Maybe this is a first

If range("A1")= "Mon" then
Range("C1").Copy Destination:=Range("D1")
end if

Will you paste to different places for different days of the week?. Then a
Select Case might be in order. Post back.

Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net

cycle4fun said:
I am trying to build a macro that will check for the day of the week in
cell A1. "Mon", "Tue etc.., if true, it will copy the contents of
another cell and paste to another cell. Hope this is discriptive
enough. Help the newbie
creating financial statements


i can develop it for you
*I am trying to build a macro that will check for the day of the wee
in cell A1. "Mon", "Tue etc.., if true, it will copy the contents o
another cell and paste to another cell. Hope this is discriptiv
enough. Help the newbie


No coping and pasting one day at a time. But, I would like to know what
you are suggesting, maybe it's an alternative that I have not
Thanks for the help

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