Macro help



I have a spreadsheet where have a set model and then I have three columns of
variable data. The three variables need to be put into the designated input
cells for the model to produce an answer. I need some help writing a macro
which takes the three variables in one go and copies the values into the
correct cells, then copies the answer into a fourth column next to the
variables, then the macro should move down a row and repeat with the new
variables from that row.

For example, copy P5 into E11, copy Q5 into E14, copy R5 into E19 the take
the answer from cell E20 and paste into S5, then drop down so that copy P6
into E11, copy Q6 into E14, copy R6 into E19 the take the answer from cell
E20 and paste into S6 - repeat down to row 2000.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance

Bob Phillips

Copying is simple

Range("P5").Copy Range("E11")


Getting an answer is a tad ambiguous, it could be just summing, maybe
multiple, but you don't need to put in cells, you can do it in the macro

Range("S5").Vale = Application.SUM(Range("P5:R5")


Do you want to loop through all cells in column P and load S accordingly?



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Hi Bob

Perhaps I didn't explain myself properly.

I have three colums of data (Columns P, Q & R). I need to copy all three
variables from one row into designated input cells (Cells E11, E14 & E19)
then i want to copy the result (Cell E20) as values into Column S. Once I
have run one set of variables through the model and pasted the answer, i want
to move down one row and do it again, then again and so on for 2,000 rows.

Is that clearer?

Bob Phillips

I think I got all that. My point was that there is little logic to writing
to E11, E14 and E19, then overwriting it in the next iteration of the loop,
and also what is meant by result? Is there a formula in E20, if so, why not
just replicate in the code and avoid the (slow) writing to cells.



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Bob - you're exactly right however, the formula in E20 is relatively
complicated because it is an IRR calculation. The dates and cashflows for
the IRR are driven by the three input cells. So you basically need to solve
for one solution using those three variables and then paste the result as a
value then move on to the next row of variables.

The result in E20 is "=NOMINAL(XIRR(L24:L35,B24:B35),2)-X5".

Still interested in your thoughts as it is not a simple sum or multiplication.

With thanks

Bob Phillips

Okay, I thought that might be your response <G>.

Does this work for you

Public Sub test()
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim i As Long

With ActiveSheet

iLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To iLastRow 'iLastRow To 1 Step -1
Cells(i, "P").Copy Range("E11")
Cells(i, "Q").Copy Range("E14")
Cells(i, "R").Copy Range("E19")
Cells(i, "S").Value Range("E20").Value
Next i

End With

End Sub



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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