Macro Import Excel Sheet into Excel Sheet


Paul Dennis

I have an Excel Workbook, with sheets Intro and Data.

I am trying to write a macro that will
.. Clear data in sheet [Data]
.. Open another excel file in the same directory called "Fixed Calls.xls" and
copy the data from sheet [Sheet1] column A to AA to the current workbook
sheet [Data] columns A to AA.
.. Add a new field in column AB for all rows used that will add Z to A

I'm a novice so I don't even know how to do the import without using a
WebQuery, however I want to do this via a macro.

any ideas?


This is not a difficult task to write. If you want to learn to write macros
the easiest way is to use the macro recorder and record doing it once. then
look at the code the recorder makes. It does not write the best code but it
will give you a good start. From there you can modify it to do exactly what
you want.

Even after years of programming Excel Sometimes I have to use the macro
recorder to see how it will do something and get pointers to how to do it.

Peter Richardson

Paul Dennis

yes I use the recorded sometimes but I don't see how it would help me here.

Is there a macro somewhere that does something similar that I can use as a
starting point?

barnabel said:
This is not a difficult task to write. If you want to learn to write macros
the easiest way is to use the macro recorder and record doing it once. then
look at the code the recorder makes. It does not write the best code but it
will give you a good start. From there you can modify it to do exactly what
you want.

Even after years of programming Excel Sometimes I have to use the macro
recorder to see how it will do something and get pointers to how to do it.

Peter Richardson

Paul Dennis said:
I have an Excel Workbook, with sheets Intro and Data.

I am trying to write a macro that will
. Clear data in sheet [Data]
. Open another excel file in the same directory called "Fixed Calls.xls" and
copy the data from sheet [Sheet1] column A to AA to the current workbook
sheet [Data] columns A to AA.
. Add a new field in column AB for all rows used that will add Z to A

I'm a novice so I don't even know how to do the import without using a
WebQuery, however I want to do this via a macro.

any ideas?


Well I followed the steps you outlined and recorded it.
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 8/12/2007 by Peter Richardson

Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\par\My Documents\fixed calls.xls"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End Sub

A couple quick changes and I ended up with:
Sub Macro2()
Dim currRow As Long
Workbooks.Open Filename:="fixed calls.xls"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
For currRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row +
Cells(currRow, 28) = "=sum(A" & currRow & ":AA" & currRow & ")"
End Sub

This should give you a starting place.

Paul Dennis said:
yes I use the recorded sometimes but I don't see how it would help me here.

Is there a macro somewhere that does something similar that I can use as a
starting point?

barnabel said:
This is not a difficult task to write. If you want to learn to write macros
the easiest way is to use the macro recorder and record doing it once. then
look at the code the recorder makes. It does not write the best code but it
will give you a good start. From there you can modify it to do exactly what
you want.

Even after years of programming Excel Sometimes I have to use the macro
recorder to see how it will do something and get pointers to how to do it.

Peter Richardson

Paul Dennis said:
I have an Excel Workbook, with sheets Intro and Data.

I am trying to write a macro that will
. Clear data in sheet [Data]
. Open another excel file in the same directory called "Fixed Calls.xls" and
copy the data from sheet [Sheet1] column A to AA to the current workbook
sheet [Data] columns A to AA.
. Add a new field in column AB for all rows used that will add Z to A

I'm a novice so I don't even know how to do the import without using a
WebQuery, however I want to do this via a macro.

any ideas?

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