Macro - info from doc to web



I would like to write a macro that grabs information from
a Word document and sends it to a web page.

For example, if I had a Word form that asked for First
Name and Surname, I would like to be able to get the
information filled in for First Name and Surname and open
up a web window with the address
q="'First Name'+'Surname'", so that Google would perform a
search on the name that was entered into the form.

It doesn't have to be done with a form, just this was the
most obvious way I could think of isolating the
information needed.

Can anyone point me towards how I might achieve this, or
to a forum or web site where I can get more help?

Many thanks,


Word Heretic

G'day "Louise" <[email protected]>,

Activedocument.FollowHyperlink """" _
& FirstName & "%20" & Surname

(thats three double quotes in a row)

should go pretty close.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Louise reckoned:

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