Macro inhibits Excel Functionality (i.e., No Longer Able to Use Co



I wrote a Macro using the Record Macro function in Excel. The Macro
essentially Copies a Worksheet, Renames it, Copies the New Worksheet, Renames
it, etc. until I have looped a predetermined number of times.

The problem I am having is that the first time it works great. However, if
I delete the newly created worksheets and run the Macro again it only loops
for a few iterations and then I get a "Run Time Error '1004' Copy Method of
Worksheet Class Failed.

THe more distrubing problem is that I based this Macro on the Edit - Move
or Copy Worksheet command. After I reset the Macro, Edit - Move or Copy
Worksheet command in Excel no longer works. I have to exit Excel completely
and restart. The Edit - Move or Copy worksheet command works and I am able to
run the macro. However, if I delete the newly created worksheets and try to
rerun, the problems happens again.

Here is the Code I am using.

Sub CreateTMSheets()
Dim RowCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
RowCount = Range("NortheastData").Rows.Count
' The number of rows will be 28 for the Northeast.
For i = 1 To RowCount - 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Worksheets(3 + i)
Application.Run "OnGenericSetSheetActive"
Range("A1").Value = ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0)
ActiveSheet.Name = Left(Cells(1, 1), 4)
Next i
End Sub

Any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated. I can't figure
out why this Macro is effecting the Copy functionality within Excel.


Hi, in my opinion, the actions you performed, after you started recording the
macros, might have affected the other operations.

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