Macro name listing


Otto Moehrbach

Excel XP, Win XP
I have some 17 macros listed in my file under Tools - Macro - Macros. Of
those, 16 are listed with just their names, as in "MyMacro". The 17th one
insists on being listed with the full path:
'My File Name.xls'!MyModuleName.MyMacroName

I tried commenting out that macro, saving the file, opening the file.
Listing is the same.
I tried copying the macro to Word, deleting the macro, saving the file,
closing Excel, opening Excel, opening the file, copying the macro from Word
back to the VBE, closing the file & Excel, opening both. Same listing.

Three questions:
Why is that macro listed that way?
Is there any significance that it's listed that way?
How do I get that macro listed with just the name?

Thanks for your help. Otto



the display of the list of macro's depends on the location of the macro
in relation to the activeworkbook.

If the macro is NOT stored in the activeworkbook, the filename is shown.

Furthermore if your procedure is not stored in a standard code module
but in an object module such as sheet1 the object name is listed as

Further more if have procedures with the same name but stored in
different modules the identieying module name is shown as well.

If can by that you have a double procedure names. (one of which may not
be visible in the macro list because it has arguments or has a Private

Try changing the macroname of the "offender" and see what happens..


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Otto Moehrbach

You hit it on the head. I looked and found that I had 2 procedures with the
same name, one of which had arguments. Renamed one of them and that did it.
Thanks a lot for your help. Otto

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