Macro not running in Protect Sheet




I have a macro, With the help of this macro, as soon as u write
anything in Column A it would automatically throws a Current Date in
Column G:

Dim LastRow, LastCol, CurRow, CurCol As Integer

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If LastCol = 1 Then
CurRow = ActiveCell.Row
CurCol = ActiveCell.Column
'MsgBox ActiveCell.Row
'MsgBox ActiveCell.Column

'MsgBox Target

If Sheet1.Cells(LastRow, 7).Value = "" Then
Sheet1.Cells(LastRow, 7).Value = Date
Cells(LastRow, 4).Select
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
LastRow = ActiveCell.Row
LastCol = ActiveCell.Column
'MsgBox ActiveCell.Row
'MsgBox ActiveCell.Column

End Sub

There are other formulas in the Excel Sheet. I had protected the sheet
to hide the formula. but as soon as i protected the sheet, my macro is
not working.

Can u help me how can i run the macro even after i protect the sheet.

Is there any way.



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