Macro "on off" switch


Larry Fitch

I have a very simple macro assigned to a button that unhides a sheet

Sub HR_Training()
' HR_Training Macro
' Unhide only the HR Training Hard Dollar Cost Savings Sheet

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("HR - Training").Visible = True
Sheets("Selection Sheet").Select
End Sub

What I would like to do is add a "toggle" type of functionality so that the
first press of the button will unhide the sheet, and the next time it will
hide it..

any help would be most appreciated..


Jim Thomlinson

Try this...

Sub HR_Training()
' HR_Training Macro
' Unhide only the HR Training Hard Dollar Cost Savings Sheet

Sheets("HR - Training").Visible = not Sheets("HR - Training").Visible
End Sub


Sheets("HR - Training").Visible = Not Sheets("HR - Training").Visible

in place of
Sheets("HR - Training").Visible = True

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