E. M
X-No-Archive: yes
I have this macro that opens a program and looks up the text selected in
Word; it works OK, but when the macro is run for the second time it opens
the program once more instead of making a second search (Control + S) within
program. Is it possible to "tell" the program not to open a second instance
if it is already open?
Thanks in advance for any info,
Dim appdtSearch As Variant
Dim TexteRecherche$
Dim Document
Dim Window
TexteRecherche$ = Selection
appdtSearch = Shell("C:\Program Files\dtSearch\bin\dtsearch.exe", 1)
SendKeys "^V" & "{ENTER}"
End Sub
I have this macro that opens a program and looks up the text selected in
Word; it works OK, but when the macro is run for the second time it opens
the program once more instead of making a second search (Control + S) within
program. Is it possible to "tell" the program not to open a second instance
if it is already open?
Thanks in advance for any info,
Dim appdtSearch As Variant
Dim TexteRecherche$
Dim Document
Dim Window
TexteRecherche$ = Selection
appdtSearch = Shell("C:\Program Files\dtSearch\bin\dtsearch.exe", 1)
SendKeys "^V" & "{ENTER}"
End Sub