Macro questions



1st- what is best practice- would it be writing the VBA or
doing a macro? I really don't know much about either, so
figure I will take some classes.

2nd- In the development and learning curve of my new
macro, I found out that changes to the original data were
made, after we ran our report. Based on production issues,
we don't want this to happen. First action is to notify
anyone involved to not add data after a certain cutoff.
But, second action might be to figure out how to
incorporate this perhaps at midday on this weekly run. The
report is to be run on a weekly basis and serves as
production capacity. If re-run mid day, I would see these
changes, but if not, the data is there, but I don't see
it, because I haven't looked. If I have to go the second
route, how do I go about rerecording the macro, or is best
to incorporate solid code that I should learn. This
particular report will be essential and we test drove it
today, finding the above issue of change.
3rd- I really don't want to increase file sizes
incredibly, so think I may need to know the most efficient
way to keep the data clean and running smoothly.
Any ideas to any of the above?

Kevin Stecyk


1 - macro and VBA tend to be used interchangeably. If you are picking up a
programming language to use with Excel, you will most likely be learning
VBA. You could choose to learn VB, a very close cousin. You could learn XL
4 macro language (xlm), but that would not be wise as there is little
support or documentation for it now. So to cut to the chase, if you want to
learn a programming language, it will be VBA.

2 - Speaking for myself only, I don't know what you are referring to, other
than you have a work application that you are looking to change.

To help us help you, please do the following:

1) Describe your current situation. But as concise and brief as possible,
but not too brief.

Here you might describe current model and current inputs, and who uses it.

2) What is the current problem or situation you want changed?

What don't you like about it?

3) What is your desired end goal or state?

Where do you want to end up at?

With regard to using a recorded macro or create "solid code", the answer is
probably both. Since you are a beginner at VBA (or soon will be), recording
is an excellent way to introduce yourself to the language. It creates a
rough skeleton, if you like. From there, you might want to get rid of some
of the clutter, plus streamline the routines as well as make them more
generic to your needs.

Again, give some thought to the above questions, and come back with better
descriptions, and you will get plenty of support.


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