Macro running Queries



I have a macro running a series of queries.
I would like to code some of the responses to the query promts in the macro.
I have tried, unsuccesfully, to put the data in the Condition field of the macro.
How can this be done?

I would also like to use the entered responses to the first query in the second query.
Is this possible?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Steve Schapel


If you are referring to criteria of the queries, you can set up
whatever unbound controls (textbox, combobox, etc) on a form which
will be open at the time that your macro is executed. Then, you refer
to these controls directly in the query criteria, in the place of the
parameter prompts which I presume you are now using. Use syntax such
as [Forms]![NameOfForm]![NameOfControl]

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

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