Macro Security


Jim & Gail

In the process of building an Excel spreadsheet, I added a couple of macros.
(Mistake #1, I know.) I don't really need the macros, so I deleted them and
saved the file. But now when I go to re-open the file, I get that annoying
little "Macros may contain viruses, it is always safe to disable macros, but
if the macros are legitimate, blah, blah, blah..." dialog box. (There are
no macros listed in the Macro dialog box when I do the ol' Alt+F8.) I know I
can reset my security level to high and not have to deal with this, but I
don't want to do that; I want Excel to recognize that there are no longer
any macros in the workbook. (I'm using Excel2000, btw.)

I've already utilized Microsoft's high-tech catch-all problem solving tool
(the re-boot) but still no luck. I'm not well-versed in macros, per se. Am
I overlooking something simple?

Any help would be appreciated.


(e-mail address removed)

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