Macro Start Autorun without Enable security





I'm am starting an excel file with an autorun macro. SInce
I'm in the medium secuirty mode, upon starting I get the
macro enable/disable screen.

How do I disable macro enable/disable screen without
lowering the security level, since I want the macro to run
to completion automatically without stopping?

Thanks for your help


Nick Hodge


That would slightly defeat the object of the security! The only way is to
pre-install the workbook as an add-in or sign the code project with a paid
for security certificate

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

Fredrik Wahlgren

Jack said:


I'm am starting an excel file with an autorun macro. SInce
I'm in the medium secuirty mode, upon starting I get the
macro enable/disable screen.

How do I disable macro enable/disable screen without
lowering the security level, since I want the macro to run
to completion automatically without stopping?

Thanks for your help


You have to sign your VBA code


Jim Thomlinson

You don't. That is the whole point to asking. If there was a way around it
then Viruses would just do that. You can look at trusted sources depending on
which version of Excel you are running, or getting a digital signature. That
might be a solution...



Nick Hodge said:
sign the code project with a paid
for security certificate

you don't have to pay for a security certificate. Do a search for
selfcert.exe (comes with office) and run it. You can create your own
certificate that is then used to sign the vba. When you run the macro,
install the certificate and from then on, everything you sign will always
run, even if security is high. Once everyone installed my certificate, all
macros run. We have used this at our office with much success.

Paul D

Nick Hodge


Thanks for that, I'll check it out

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)


Paul Hi

Thanks for the comeback. I found the file and self
certified. But how do you install the certificate when you
autorun the macro?



Paul Hi

Thanks for the comeback. I found the file and self
certified. But how do you install the certificate when you
autorun the macro?

Well I'm going from memory here so work with me...

If you have the security set to medium or high, you should get a dialog box
upon opening the sheet about a certificate. You want to go to view
certificate. I believe after view certificate you should then be presented
with the option to install it. After install you will then have to leave
excel and restart excel. Open the file again and you should see the same
dialog but this time the trust this source button should be visible. Click
this and you are ready to go.

As stated this is from memory from awhile ago so may not be quite right.
Post back with more specifics and I can try to help

Paul D

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