macro/subform event



I want my macro to evaluate if a field in a SUBFORM is null, and if not,
allow the user to click an option radio button. If the field IS null, then
the user shouldn't be allowed to click. Sounds easy enough, right?

I have this as a condition in my macro:
[Forms]![frmupdatecaseentry]![SelectedStatusNumber]=6 And
[Forms]![fromCaseFeatureSubform]![FeatureDateClosed] Is Null

The problem is that I get an error message to the effect of "Can't find the
subform 'fromCaseFeatureSubform'" - as though it doesn't recognize that the
subform is open (the subform IS in fact open inside the frmupdatecaseentry
main form).

I've tried using the .form suffix after my subfrom name, but that doesn't
seem to work. Any other ideas?

Allen Browne

Subforms are not open in its own right, i.e. they are not part of the forms

Try referring to the text box like this:

For an explanation, see:
Referring to Controls on a Subform

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