I changed my code so it uses a While statement, but I keep getting and error
saying I can't use Exit While or End While. Is "While" different in VBA than
Here is my code:
Sub main()
'handles for manipulated objects
Dim app As Outlook.Application
Dim space As NameSpace
Dim box1 As MAPIFolder
Dim box2 As MAPIFolder
Dim folder1 As MAPIFolder
Dim folder2 As MAPIFolder
Dim itemcoll1 As Items
Dim itemcoll2 As Items
Dim item1 As MailItem
Dim item2 As MailItem
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim numItems As Integer
Dim FCont As Boolean
Dim FSame As Boolean
'define the handles
Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set space = MyApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set box1 = MyNameSpace.Folders("Test1")
Set folder1 = box1.Folders("Mail1")
Set box2 = MyNameSpace.Folders("Test2")
Set folder2 = box2.Folders("Mail2")
Set itemcoll1 = folder1.Items
Set itemcoll2 = folder2.Items
'sort items collections by received date
itemcoll1.Sort "[ReceivedTime]", True
itemcoll2.Sort "[ReceivedTime]", True
'step through all items in collection 1
numItems = itemcoll1.Count
For x = 1 To numItems
Set item1 = itemcoll1(x)
y = 1
FCont = True
'go through items in folder 2
While FCont
'If there is no item corresponding to y, then the email is not in the
If y > itmecoll2.Count Then
item1.Copy.Move folder2
exit while
End If
Set item2 = itemcoll2(y)
'If the received time is earlier than the item in folder 2, go to the
next one. _
Otherwise check if they are the same
If item1.ReceivedTime >= item2.ReceivedTime Then
FCont = False
'Check if emails are the same by received time, subject, and sender
FSame = True
If Not (item1.Subject = item2.Subject) Then FSame = False
End If
If Not (item1.ReceivedTime = item2.ReceivedTime) Then FSame = False
End If
If Not (item1.SenderEmailAddress = item2.SenderEmailAddress) Then
FSame = False
End If
'If any of these were not the same, the items are different
If FSame = False Then
item1.Copy.Move folder2
End If
End If
'if the item2 was earlier find one that is later.
y = y + 1
End While
Next x
End Sub
Michael Bauer said:
Outlook doesn't provide you with such a routine, you have to write it
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
www.VBOffice.net --
Am Mon, 20 Nov 2006 14:53:02 -0800 schrieb Rayo K:
I am trying to write a macro that will inspect a certain folder, and if it
contains an email that is not already in the "Saved" folder, copy that
Right now I am having trouble identifiying an email as a duplicate item.
there a routine taht will quickly identify two Mailitems as being the
Right now I am comparing receivedtime, subject, and sender properties one
a time.