Macro Timing


Derek Wittman

I have some update queries being run in macro actions and I have conditions that either RunMacro or SendObject. The SendObjects aren't happening. I'm in 2000 on Win2000. The SendObject condition results in TRUE (I'm using the Step Run feature). However, no email is created or anything.

My previous post was responded to by Nikos and, as he wasn't sure if his suggestion would work (it didn't - sorry, Nikos), I'd like to repost my problem

Thank you

This runs OnClick on a form

GotoRecord - Next (to complete the record
OpenQuery - "Update", (action query) in Datasheet view Edit Data Mode - changes the status to "Acknowledged
GotoRecord - Previous (to get off New Record if that's where I am
SendObject - condition = [Forms]![Open_Requests].[Update_Result] = 1 **Note: Update_Result is an option group and 1 is "Acknowledged", which is the submacro I want to run**, Query, Send_Updated_Status, .xls format, Subject: Acknowledged, Text: message, Edit Message (yes
OpenQuery - "Update2", (action query) in Datasheet view Edit Data Mode - changes "Selected" to False (unchecked)

I wasn't having trouble with this the other day, I don't think. I added new actions to take care of Acknowledged --> Scheduled status change, including travel itinerary and how much work needed to be done onsite. I removed the new actions to troubleshoot, but I still cannot find the problem, even when I step run it


this is a test
Derek Wittman said:
I have some update queries being run in macro actions and I have
conditions that either RunMacro or SendObject. The SendObjects aren't
happening. I'm in 2000 on Win2000. The SendObject condition results in
TRUE (I'm using the Step Run feature). However, no email is created or
My previous post was responded to by Nikos and, as he wasn't sure if his
suggestion would work (it didn't - sorry, Nikos), I'd like to repost my
Thank you!

This runs OnClick on a form:

GotoRecord - Next (to complete the record)
OpenQuery - "Update", (action query) in Datasheet view Edit Data Mode -
changes the status to "Acknowledged"
GotoRecord - Previous (to get off New Record if that's where I am)
SendObject - condition = [Forms]![Open_Requests].[Update_Result] = 1
**Note: Update_Result is an option group and 1 is "Acknowledged", which is
the submacro I want to run**, Query, Send_Updated_Status, .xls format,
Subject: Acknowledged, Text: message, Edit Message (yes)
OpenQuery - "Update2", (action query) in Datasheet view Edit Data Mode -
changes "Selected" to False (unchecked).
I wasn't having trouble with this the other day, I don't think. I added
new actions to take care of Acknowledged --> Scheduled status change,
including travel itinerary and how much work needed to be done onsite. I
removed the new actions to troubleshoot, but I still cannot find the
problem, even when I step run it.

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