Macro to add numbers to create combinations that equal certain amo


Lauren qt314

Thank you for your assistance.

I receive a list of numbers, usually over one hundred items. I need to find
out which amounts will add up to a given total. How would I create a macro
to do this? Is there already an Excel function to do this that I have not
found? It would need to work with currency.

Ex: 9, 12, 7, 4, 15, 8, 10, 3 total needed 18
Solution 8+10; 3+15

Bernie Deitrick


With a hundred different items, there are over 2^100 possible ways to
combine them. You would need a supercomputer - or maybe even multiple
supercomputers. If you had fewer than 25, you could do it.

MS Excel MVP

Lauren qt314

My group leader had a macro that would perform this function. Unfortunately,
he walked out a few weeks ago and no one can access the program. Since it
can rule out certain numbers, like those larger than the target number,
automatically it would not need to combine each item. There has to be a way
to duplicate what he did, but I am just learning how to create macros. I
don't know where to start.

Bernie Deitrick


I have a workbook that can do it for up to any number, but it gets very
slow. If you can rule out a lot of the numbers, then you can try it.
Contact me privately - take out the spaces and change the dot to . - and I
will send it to you.

MS Excel MVP

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