Iain Carlin
I have a client who uses PWA Timesheets for Resources to update tasks.
To update the Plan, they use Update Project Progress in Collaboration and a
Rule to accept all updates for the Plan.
The Rule uses an ActiveX object (pjupdate11.ocx) to control the update of
the Web information into the Plan.
My client wants to eliminate the step of having to open the web page and
would like a macro to perform the update when the Project is opened. Is there
a VBA method that can be called to do the update?
Iain Carlin
To update the Plan, they use Update Project Progress in Collaboration and a
Rule to accept all updates for the Plan.
The Rule uses an ActiveX object (pjupdate11.ocx) to control the update of
the Web information into the Plan.
My client wants to eliminate the step of having to open the web page and
would like a macro to perform the update when the Project is opened. Is there
a VBA method that can be called to do the update?
Iain Carlin