Macro to cause single click to check checkbox




I've searched but can't find anything to help me force a single-click
checkbox field checked or not checked unless I protect a form (but I spent an
enlightening hour reading through stuff on the mvps site, thanks Greg Maxey
and others). I have a form that I cannot protect but we want to be able to
click a checkbox once, and not have to double click. Is there a way to use
"run a macro on entry" for this purpose?

I attempted it, but I'm staring at my screen with two checkboxes, they are
staring back.

Thanks for your help!


Hi Doug,

I tried both macros that the article provided:

Private Sub oApp_DocumentChange()
If ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.Name = _
"MyTemplate.Dot" Then
Options.ButtonFieldClicks = 1
Options.ButtonFieldClicks = 2
End If
End Sub


Sub AutoExec
Options.ButtonFieldClicks = 1
End Sub

But neither worked. I'm trying to write a macro but I don't know how to
code the "user clicks the box" part.

Here's what I have:

Sub test()

'if activedocument.FormFields("Check1").CheckBox (if the user clicks once on

ActiveDocument.FormFields("Check1").CheckBox.Value = True

End Sub

Can you help? Thanks

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