If you read the first block of code I sent you -- I set up a counter to 10
and said every time you see two paragraph marks in a row, replace it with one
paragraph mark. The first run cuts the count of two paragraphs in half, the
second run cuts that number in half and so on and so forth (sort of like a
half-life in chemistry) until you no longer have two paragraph marks in a
row. It works wonderfully for me, however, if you have any character before
the excess paragraph mark you want to delete it won't work because it is only
looking for two paragraph marks back to back.
Is there anything between the first paragraph mark and the second paragraph
mark? Other than that, I can't see why it wouldn't work for you. That macro
saves me a lot of time. The only other thing I can think of is why it
wouldn't work is if they are soft returns rather than hard returns, but I
take it from your description that they are hard returns. Anything
particular about the Word template your moving the data into?