Macro - to detect different version of Distiller




Can anyone advise me on how I can write a macro to detect differen
versions of Adobe Acrobat Distiller. Basically I want the macro t
select Acrobat Distiller from the printing options, but this depends o
what version Acrobat Distiller the user has, hence the macro may "DeBug
if the user has 5.0 and I have 6.0

Is there anyway of of saying if they dont have version 5 then pic
version 6?

ActivePrinter = "Acrobat Distiller" - I believe here I will add som
sort of either/or code? Depending on the version?

I hope someone can help and THANK YOU in advance

Howard Kaikow

You can get the Acrobat SDK at the Adobe web site.
I believe that it is free, but you may need to register.

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