Macro to insert at correct point



I have a sheet (PAS) that has a type of calender to track the number of hours
I work at part-time job. Here is the set up of calender:

B125:B176 = date for beginning of week (which is a Monday) (52 rows ie weeks)
C125:G176 = columns for Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri for 52 weeks
B125 C125............G125
12/17/07 Mon Tue.......Fri

I would like a userform that accepts the following:
Date worked
Clock In
Clock Out

I can design userform and put the formula I need to calculate total hours
worked in the macro. What I would like to know is how to take the date
worked and find the spot it is suppsed to place it in. Example: If I worked
on 12/27/07, the macro needs to figure out the week it falls in and then
figure out where to place it (ie Thursday)

B125 = 12/17/07
B126 = 12/24/07 C125=Mon D125=Tue .....F125=Thur G125=Fri
B127 = 12/31/07

Thanks for your help!

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