Is there a way to create a macro that, when assigned to a button and clicked,
it will return the user to the worksheet (within the same workbook) they were
previously viewing?
I have a workbook with several worksheets and it is getting difficult to
navigate each sheet. I have tried to include hyperlinks to facilitate page
navigation, but if someone can't remember what sheet they were just looking
at, it would be helpful to have a "back" button to take you "back" to the
sheet you just navigated away from.
it will return the user to the worksheet (within the same workbook) they were
previously viewing?
I have a workbook with several worksheets and it is getting difficult to
navigate each sheet. I have tried to include hyperlinks to facilitate page
navigation, but if someone can't remember what sheet they were just looking
at, it would be helpful to have a "back" button to take you "back" to the
sheet you just navigated away from.