Macro to run automatically on Open/Close


Sarah (OGI)

I've created a macro that changes the auto calc function to
manual(Tools|Options|Calculation|Manual). Here is the code it generates:

Sub AutoCalcOff()
' AutoCalcOff Macro
With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False
End Sub

I'd like this macro to run automatically on opening this document - not sure
how to do this.

On close, I'd also like the system to be able to revert back to the previous
setting, i.e. if the auto-calc was previously set to automatic and the macro
changed it to manual, I'd like the setting to be returned to its previous

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Jim Jackson

The Subs you want are named
Sub Auto_Open() and
Sub Auto_Close()

They may be put in any module.

Tom Ogilvy

Also look at the newer workbook open and workbook beforeclose events

You would need to store the current settings in your open/autoopen either
using a public variable or something more persistant such as a defined name
or written to a worksheet.

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