macro to run on first open after save and close



i got 2 computers...
lets name computer A janphi
and computer B pswanie

i use pswanie to write and edit a workbook wich i then email a excel
workbook to janphi. with the name editinventry.xls. this i got saved in

janphi has a c:\windows\myfolder\inventry.xls

i need a macro to run when janphi open the editinventry.xls from the email.
this macro then needs to copy\paste info from inventry.xls {sheet1 cell
b2} to editinventry {sheet1 cell b2}.

next step will be to save as {editinventry.xls} to
c:\windows\myfolder\inventry.xls on janphi...

this need to run once only.


i got 2 computers...
lets name computer A janphi
and computer B pswanie

i use pswanie to write and edit a workbook wich i then email a excel
workbook to janphi. with the name editinventry.xls. this i got saved in

janphi has a c:\windows\myfolder\inventry.xls

i need a macro to run when janphi open the editinventry.xls from the email.
this macro then needs to copy\paste info from inventry.xls {sheet1 cell
b2} to editinventry {sheet1 cell b2}.

next step will be to save as {editinventry.xls} to
c:\windows\myfolder\inventry.xls on janphi...

this need to run once only.

can be by means of a command button or auto in the background


i got 2 computers...
lets name computer A janphi
and computer B pswanie

i use pswanie to write and edit a workbook wich i then email a excel
workbook to janphi. with the name editinventry.xls. this i got saved in

janphi has a c:\windows\myfolder\inventry.xls

i need a macro to run when janphi open the editinventry.xls from the email.
this macro then needs to copy\paste info from inventry.xls {sheet1 cell
b2} to editinventry {sheet1 cell b2}.

next step will be to save as {editinventry.xls} to
c:\windows\myfolder\inventry.xls on janphi...

this need to run once only.

this can be by means of a command button or auto in the background.

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