I've been scouring the groups looking for a solution to this and I've
found many people with similar problems but none of the solutions
proposed work for me. I'm sure it's my lack of familiarity with VBA and
its implementation that's holding me back.
Here's what I've got:
I have and invoice with the invoice number in cell C7 and other data in
A15. I want to run a macro that will save the current open document to,
say, D:\Work\Accounting\Invoices. I want the file name to be:
Invoice - [invoice number] - [other data].xls
I tried methods along the lines of this:
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="D:\Work\Accounting\Invoices\Invoice -
" & Worksheets("Service Invoice").Range("C7").Value & " - " &
Worksheets("Service Invoice").Range("A15").Value & ".xls"
but I get errors and no saved files.
Once I get a working script I need to know in which module it goes.
Can anyone lend a feller a hand?
found many people with similar problems but none of the solutions
proposed work for me. I'm sure it's my lack of familiarity with VBA and
its implementation that's holding me back.
Here's what I've got:
I have and invoice with the invoice number in cell C7 and other data in
A15. I want to run a macro that will save the current open document to,
say, D:\Work\Accounting\Invoices. I want the file name to be:
Invoice - [invoice number] - [other data].xls
I tried methods along the lines of this:
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="D:\Work\Accounting\Invoices\Invoice -
" & Worksheets("Service Invoice").Range("C7").Value & " - " &
Worksheets("Service Invoice").Range("A15").Value & ".xls"
but I get errors and no saved files.
Once I get a working script I need to know in which module it goes.
Can anyone lend a feller a hand?