macro to save file automaticaly?



I already have a button with a macro to hide the empty rows. With this same
button I want to save the file automatically after the rows are hidden. The
name of the saved file should be the word in cell (“sheet3†“A1â€).

The first macro works the second doesn’t.

Can someone please help me to fix the second and to combine the to.


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim X As Integer

For X = 5 To 150

If Cells(X, 1).Value = 0 Then
Rows(X).Hidden = True
End If

Next X
End Sub

Sub SaveArchive()

ArchivePath = "Z:\david\werkbonnen\"
WorkBookName = Worksheets(“printâ€).Range(“A1â€).Value

FName = ArchivePath + WorkBookName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FName
End Sub


When I paste you code into a macro sheet the '' '' around print and A1 each
become a pair of 's. That is
you should always use Shift and the 2 key from the alpha part (double quote)
of your keyboard rather than ' (single quote) twice. That might not be the
problem but why else would it change for my copy and paste of your code?

david wrote in message

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