Macro to Select Text between Two keywords and create a new document



Hi ,

I am looking for a Macro which will Copy the text
between Keyword say "RESOURCE:" and "END Resource:"

The selected text should copied to New document and save
it as docname#1.doc

Note : my word doc may contain multiple "RESOURCE:"
and "END Resource:" keywords. so ..based on
this ...macro should look through whole document for the
keywords and save text in a new documents.

Hope I am clear...

thanks in advance

Helmut Weber

could you give us an example, containing the real
keywords? Would make things a lot easier. One
complication e.g. is, that your example starts and
ends with the same word, besides capitalization.


Hi ..Thanks for responding ...

My document may have pages ranging from 10-15.
and i need to separate the text into new documents based
on the keywords "RESOURCE:" and "END-resource:"

The above keywords may be anywhere in the document. please
check the sample text ...thank you

Resource : VENU

Start with an open document - any document containing some
text -

and type in a couple of the characters you intend to use
as markers. Select a character not commonly used in

- for example '#' - and place some a little distance apart
in the text. Put the text cursor between the two. Now
- select
- Tools/Macro and enter a name, something like
CountBetweenMarkers. Choose a key sequence to activate the
- new macro - using a menu option or toolbar button would
be counter-productive. Don't forget to click on

End-Resource: VENU

Resource : XYZ

- Assign after you've selected your sequence and before
closing the Keyboard dialog. Start to record the macro
- using the document that you prepared:

- for example '#' - and place some a little distance
apart in the text. Put the text cursor between the two.
- select
- Tools/Macro and enter a name, something like
CountBetweenMarkers. Choose a key sequence to activate the
- new macro - using a menu option or toolbar button would
be counter-productive. Don't forget to click on

End-Resource: XYZ


Helmut Weber

Hi both of you,
just one more solution,
hi Christian,
I just couldn't resist, experimenting with this for
quite some time this afternoon:
Sub Test444()
Dim i As Integer
Dim oRng As Range
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
Resetsearch ' necessary? advisable?
With oRng.Find
.Text = "Resource :*End-Resource:"
.MatchWildcards = True
While .Execute
i = i + 1
oRng.MoveStart unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=10
' in order to get the spaces before the keyword, too
oRng.MoveEnd unit:=wdWord, Count:=-4
With Documents(1)
.Range.InsertAfter oRng.FormattedText
.SaveAs "c:\test\test-" & Format(i, "00") & ".doc"
End With
' define the range to be searched anew
oRng.Start = oRng.End
oRng.End = ActiveDocument.Range.End
End With
Resetsearch ' advisable
End Sub
Sub Resetsearch()
With Selection.Find
.Text = ""
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
End Sub
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber, MVP (as Christian)
"red.sys" & chr(64) & ""
Word XP, Win 98

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