Macro to set Scheduled Reminder in Outlook from Date in Work



I have a little experience with Excel VB, but none with Word.

Want i have is a Date in a (Cell) in a Word Document.
I want to upon Closing the Word Document (In the Document Close),
have that Date create a New Scheduled Reminder On that Day with
Other text in another area on the Word Document set as Topic.
Is it possible to have the Word Document OPEN automatically when Outlook is opened on THAT DAY ?

Any ideas's?
Is it possible?

I do not understand how to refernce a value on a Document.
Excel values can be referenced by (A5) etc.

But how do i reference a text in a Certain Column in a Word Doc ?


Pat Garard

G'Day Corey,

There are those who believe that programming with Word is
difficult and programming with Outlook is impossible - others
believe that Word is merely challenging and Outlook difficult.

In either case you need a realistic knowledge of the Word and
Outlook Object Models, and the various associated Properties
and Methods. This is particularly true of Outlook.

All of this is a roundabout way of saying that, with the best will
in the world, all that you propose is certainly possible - but not
an appropriate task for the novice.

A professional developer would be able to assist but WILL
charge (like a wounded bull!).


? activedocument.Tables(1).Cell(4,3).Range

assuming Tables(1) refers to the target table and the target value is
hosted in row 4, col 3, in the activedocument in MS Word.

For proper Outlook programming (actually safe Exchange accessing), look at:



Thanks for the advice.

"Pat Garard" <apgarard-bigpond:net:au> wrote in message
G'Day Corey,

There are those who believe that programming with Word is
difficult and programming with Outlook is impossible - others
believe that Word is merely challenging and Outlook difficult.

In either case you need a realistic knowledge of the Word and
Outlook Object Models, and the various associated Properties
and Methods. This is particularly true of Outlook.

All of this is a roundabout way of saying that, with the best will
in the world, all that you propose is certainly possible - but not
an appropriate task for the novice.

A professional developer would be able to assist but WILL
charge (like a wounded bull!).

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