Macro to show/hide rows



I need to use a single cell to show/hide other rows. For instance if you put
a "6" in cell B1 it would show the next 12 rows and hide the rest. If you
put in a "10" it would show the next 20 rows and hide the rest, etc.

I'm new to writing macros, sorry!


Not sure exactly what you want, but try this.

Sub HideUnhide()
Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).Hidden = True
If Range("B1") = 6 Then
Rows("2:13").Hidden = False
ElseIf Range("B1") = 10 Then
Rows("2:21").Hidden = False
End If
End Sub


That is close. What I need is that you can choose from 1 to 35 (maybe in a
pull down), and have it show the twice that many rows. So if you pick 2 it
would show rows 3 through 6 and hide all the other pre-populated rows.

Also when I plugged in that macro I'm getting an error '1004'. "Unable to
set the hidden property of the range class."

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I don't completely understand your criteria. From your example, if the user
picks 2, how do you know to start showing rows at Row 3? And if you hide
everything except for Rows 3 through 6, then B1 will be hidden and you won't
be able to change the number in it again without manually unhiding it. Can
you give us more details on how you want this functionality to work (keep in
mind that no one here has any idea what you want to do, so you have to tell




Sorry I'm not being clear enough. Say in cell A1 you want to enter the
number of rows being shown in the spreadsheet. A1 should always be shown, of
course, and each number entered in A1 will show double the amount of rows
below. Each row starting with A2 will have information entered previously,
so we are just displaying, or hiding those rows below. For instance: if I
want only 2 rows displaying below, I would enter a "1" in cell A1. If I want
10 rows to show, I would enter "5" in A1, and so on. A1 probably will have a
pull down.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Okay, the 'start at Row 3' was a mistype then. By the way, you originally
said B1 would have the number in it, but now are saying A1. No problem, I'll
use A1 in my example. Give this a try and see if it does what you want.
Right-click the tab on the worksheet where you want to have this
functionality and select View Code from the popup menu that appears. This
will take you into the VBA editor and present an already opened code window
to you. Copy/Paste the following into that code window...

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$B$1" Then
Range("2:" & Rows.Count).EntireRow.Hidden = False
Range(CStr(2 + 2 * Range("B1").Value) & ":" & _
Rows.Count).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End Sub

Now, go back to the worksheet and type different numbers into A1 to see if
the code is doing what you want. You can put a drop-down list into A1 if you
want... it will not matter to the code how the number gets into the cell.



This seemed to work right away, but now I'm getting an "argument not
optional" message when I put a number. What could this mean?

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I'm not sure why you are getting that message. Did you modify the code in
any way? Is it highlighting a line of code when it displays the message? If
so, which line. If not, put a breakpoint on the first line of my code (click
the left hand border and a red dot will appear along with the line being
highlighted in red indicating the breakpoint is set); then change the value
in B1. You will be taken back to the code window and the line with the
breakpoint will be highlighted in yellow. Pressing F8 will execute the line
of code and advance the yellow highlight to the next executable line. Keep
pressing F8 until the message appears. Which line was the last one
highlighted in yellow before the error appeared?



I don't get it - no matter where I put a breakpoint, nothing changes. I get
nothing highlighted.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I'm not sure what to tell you as I can't duplicate the problem here. Just in
case something accidentally changed that you are not aware of, delete the
existing Worksheet_Change event code and then copy/paste (don't type) the
code I posted earlier into that code window. Did doing that fix the problem?
If not, send your worksheet to me (remove the obvious stuff from my email
address) and I'll see if it does the same thing you are seeing here on my
system. I'll answer back to this thread for continuity sake.



I got this macro to work on typical rows, but the odd thing is that if a row
contains a combo box (which references a different sheet), it will give a
run-time error. It says "unable to set the hidden property of the range
class." I think this is what has been causing the problem from the start.
Any ideas?

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