Yep. You only get one of each type of event within each sheet module.
But you could check to see what range you're in and process based on that.
If you have two ranges, you can have
1. No intersection between them (mutually exclusive).
2. An overlap of at least one cell.
If the ranges are mutually exclusive, then it's pretty straight forward. Figure
out which one you're in (if either) and do the processing based on that.
If the ranges overlap, then you have a decision to make. Do you do the first
procedure or the second procedure or both?
(Doing one of them, but not the other resolves to the first case, too.)
You have an overlap of a couple of cells.
If you're in column E, do one thing. But what should occur if you're in
E1--that cell is in both ranges.
I decided <vbg> that you wanted to do only one thing and that one thing is to
show the .find dialog.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)
Dim myRng1 As Range
Dim myRng2 As Range
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
With Me
'stay away from row 1???
Set myRng1 = Intersect(.Range("e:e,as:as,bt:bt"), _
.Rows("2:" & .Rows.Count))
Set myRng2 = Me.Range("e1:g1")
If Not (Intersect(Target, myRng1) Is Nothing) Then
'it's something
'do your code for stuff that's in e,as,bt
'cancel = true
ElseIf Not (Intersect(Target, myRng2) Is Nothing) Then
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
'cancel = true
End If
End With
End Sub
I left the "cancel = true" commented out. But I would think that you would want
that code uncommented.
If your user has edit directly in cell, double clicking will start that
process. "Cancel = true" stops that from happening.
And in the _BeforeRightClick event, "cancel=true" will stop the popup from
showing up.
(I'm betting that you don't want either to occur, but you'll have to uncomment
And since the routine that occurs with rightclicking also occurs with
doubleclicking in a certain area, you can put that code in one spot and then
when something changes, you don't have to fix two routines:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)
Dim myRng1 As Range
Dim myRng2 As Range
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
With Me
'stay away from row 1???
Set myRng1 = Intersect(.Range("e:e,as:as,bt:bt"), _
.Rows("2:" & .Rows.Count))
Set myRng2 = Me.Range("e1:g1")
If Not (Intersect(Target, myRng1) Is Nothing) Then
'it's something
'do your code for stuff that's in e,as,bt
MsgBox "myRng1"
Cancel = True
ElseIf Not (Intersect(Target, myRng2) Is Nothing) Then
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Call Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(Target, True)
Cancel = True
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)
With Me
'do your code for stuff that's in e1,g1
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
Cancel = True
End With
End Sub
ps. The application.enableevents stuff is toggled off just in case you have a
_selectionchange event, too.