I am in the process of learning some basics about visual basic and was
wondering if someone could give me a hand. I am familier with Java,
but not visual basic. I have the following simple macro
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
ActivePrinter = "Test- EasyCoder 3400E"
Application.PrintOut FileName:="", Range:=wdPrintAllDocument,
Item:= _
wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, Pages:="",
PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
ManualDuplexPrint:=False, Collate:=True, Background:=True,
PrintToFile:= _
False, PrintZoomColumn:=0, PrintZoomRow:=0,
PrintZoomPaperWidth:=0, _
End Sub
This macro is assigned a button that prints one label. When I hit this
tool bar button, I would like a dialg box to be pulled up which ask for
number of labels. So I assume that I would create a form, have the
text input assigned to a variable then for copies, change it to copies
= variable name. I have created forms with the wizard, but don't know
how to assign the text entered in a text box a variable that will be
used elsewhere in the marco. I would appreciate it if someone could
prodivde some direction or a good tuturial site that would address how
to do this.
Andrew V. Romero
wondering if someone could give me a hand. I am familier with Java,
but not visual basic. I have the following simple macro
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
ActivePrinter = "Test- EasyCoder 3400E"
Application.PrintOut FileName:="", Range:=wdPrintAllDocument,
Item:= _
wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, Pages:="",
PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
ManualDuplexPrint:=False, Collate:=True, Background:=True,
PrintToFile:= _
False, PrintZoomColumn:=0, PrintZoomRow:=0,
PrintZoomPaperWidth:=0, _
End Sub
This macro is assigned a button that prints one label. When I hit this
tool bar button, I would like a dialg box to be pulled up which ask for
number of labels. So I assume that I would create a form, have the
text input assigned to a variable then for copies, change it to copies
= variable name. I have created forms with the wizard, but don't know
how to assign the text entered in a text box a variable that will be
used elsewhere in the marco. I would appreciate it if someone could
prodivde some direction or a good tuturial site that would address how
to do this.
Andrew V. Romero