Macro to Update Calendar


Jane McNabb

I've never written a macro before but I need something that would update a
calendar that I designed, using a simple 7 by 7 table, and placed on a page
designed in FP 2002. The calendar is on a page that is already too busy for
my taste so I am trying to limit it's size to not more than 400 W by 300 H.

This may be asking for too much, but I want to be able to automatically have
the macro, once it's written, be able to place the month and year in the
header (July 2003), the day of the week (Mon. Tues. etc.) in the row below
and then each day (1,2,3 etc.) of the month in the correct cell.

I have to update the calendar usually about 2 or 3 days in advance of the
upcoming month on 5 different pages in our Web and with all the
interruptions I get each time I start the update process I invariably make
mistakes from one calendar to another. Copying & pasting won't work because
the dimensions and layout for each calendar are slightly different. Thank
you for reading this. Thanks from the bottom of my heart if you can help me
solve this!

Jane McNabb

I'm not too familiar with the Include page and didn't know it would adjust.
It sounds like a good idea. Does it only adjust width, or will it adjust
both width and height? Now that I think about it, it's a step in the right
direction but I still need to get the data into the header, rows and cells.

Jane McNabb

You're right, Thomas. I'm sure it will take me a while to work with an
Include page with a macro but it's a step in the right direction. Thank you.

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