Im currently using the code below:
Dim StartTime#, CurrentTime#
Const TrialPeriod# = 90
Const ObscurePath$ = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\"
Const ObscureFile$ = "051506.Log"
I would like the have the logname come from a cell in the workbook. I tried
the following:
Const ObscureFile$ = Worksheets("SheetA").cell("A8").Value
Const ObscureFile$ = Worksheets("SheetA").[A8].range
They both gave me compile errors.
Any suggestions? Also, can the target cell be a formula and the resulting
logname be that cell's displayed text? ( Ie: Cell A6 = 051506 , Cell A8
=A6&".Log" )
Dim StartTime#, CurrentTime#
Const TrialPeriod# = 90
Const ObscurePath$ = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\"
Const ObscureFile$ = "051506.Log"
I would like the have the logname come from a cell in the workbook. I tried
the following:
Const ObscureFile$ = Worksheets("SheetA").cell("A8").Value
Const ObscureFile$ = Worksheets("SheetA").[A8].range
They both gave me compile errors.
Any suggestions? Also, can the target cell be a formula and the resulting
logname be that cell's displayed text? ( Ie: Cell A6 = 051506 , Cell A8
=A6&".Log" )