Macro using Replace does not replace

  • Thread starter fofficecommunityk
  • Start date


I reply to emails in Outlook using a dozen form responses in Word. I would
copy the name from Outlook, then swtich to the Word doc and begin recording
the macro.

I would highlight the old name, then pull up Replace, click more, check
match case and whole word only, then click replace all, click OK and then
close; select highlight all, and copy. Then I would stop the macro and
switch back to Outlook, paste and send.

2 problems came up. First, the 2nd time I ran the macro, it would not use
the name I had just copied from Outlook, it would use the name from the first

Second, sometimes, the Replace window would be closed and the first two
items under More would not be checked. If I included in the macro to
everytime click on More and then check the first two boxes, sometime the
boxes would already be checked and the macro would uncheck them.

I'd appreciate any help.


Graham Mayor

Which Office version?
Perhaps if you were to post your macro code with an explanation of what it
was supposed to do (which is not clear from your description) we may be able
to help.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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