Macro wont run on cell change


Barry Lennox

Can anyone tell me why this macro does not run when cell value changes

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then Call Refresh

End Sub

Formula in "A2" is =Entry!$K$2 ("Entry") is anothe worksheet in same workbook



Hi Barry,

Changing the value of Entry!$K$2 will not trigger the Worksheet_Change event
for another worksheet. You would need a worksheet calculate event. However,
to do that you would need to save the value of $A$2 at another out of the way
cell and perform a comparison in the start of the calculate event to see if
it actually changed.

Another way is to place the Worksheet_Change on the Entry sheet using K2 as
the target.


Because the target cell is a formula, the change event doesn't occur when
cells change during a recalculation.

Barry Lennox

Hi OssieMac
I tried K2 on entry sheet idea but that didn't work either
K2 =INDEX($J$4:$O$75,MATCH($P$6,$O$4:$O$75,0),2)
Can you send me code for your first suggestion using cell T2
What formula do I put into T2


Hi again Barry,

You don't put any formula into T2.
T2 is used by the event code to save the value that is in A2 after each time
A2 changes. That way you can then compare the new value in A2 with T2. If
changed then save the new value to T2 and run required code. If A2 matches T2
then don't run the code.

The following code belongs with the worksheet that has the value in A2 that
is being tested.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'Must disable events otherwise will run again
'when A2 is saved to T2
Application.EnableEvents = False

If Range("A2") <> Range("T2") Then 'Value has changed
Range("T2") = Range("A2") 'Resave new A2 value
Call Refresh
End If

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Because you are disabling events, if for any reason the code fails before it
turns events back on (can occur during testing) then all events remain turned
off until you close and restart xl. Therefore the following little sub is
handy to have. Simply keep it in any of your modules and you can run it from
the VBA editor to re-enable events if they get inadvertantly turned off due
to code failure.

To run from the VBA editor just click anywhere in the sub and press F5.

Private Sub re_enable_events()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Barry Lennox

Hi OssieMac
Thanks. Getting closer.
I need to run this with multiple windows open.
The only thing is the macro runs on the Sheet "Entry"
I have tried naming A2 and T2 as ranges but that didn't work.
If I enter "Sheets("Sheet2").Select" in the code it works, but the sheet
"Entry" is deselected and I have two copies of "Sheet2"
If I add "Sheets("Entry").Select" later in the code, whenever I enter
anything in Sheet2 it changes to Entry sheet


Hi again Barry,

I think that I am confused about what you want to occur. I thought that if
A2 changes then you want the macro to run. From your last post I am assuming
that A2 is on Sheet2. Is this correct or not?

I also thought from the formula you posted that Sheet2 A2 changes every time
Sheet Entry K2 changes. Is this correct?

If you want the macro to run every time Sheet2 A2 changes then if you have
placed the macro in Sheet2 then what does it matter what is the active sheet?
Did you place the macro in Sheet2 module? You should right click Sheet2 tab
and select View Code to ensure you are placing it in the correct module.

You said that you have multiple windows open. Do you mean multiple Workbooks
open or multiple instances of Excel open?

Perhaps you can give me a step by step description as follows.
What conditions should trigger the macro?
What occurs in the sub Refresh? (Perhaps post the sub)

Barry Lennox

Hi OssieMac
I am organising a spreadsheet to help organise a roster for volunteers.
A range in Sheet2 has the times when volunteers are available, (the
volunteer's name occurs in A2. Sometimes volunteers have variations to their
usual plan, this is when I make manual entries. The range has to be refreshed
each time a new volunteer is selected. This is why the Macro must run in
sheet2 as it refreshes the range of cells with formulae.
Entry sheet has the grid of time slots.The information in Entry K2 is
changed from a scroll bar in Entry.
I have tried reversing things, having the scroll bar in Sheet2 but other
problems arise (not relating to this issue)
Sheet2!A2 = Entry! K2
I need multiple windows open.

The Macro IS in Sheet2

Sub Refresh()
' Refreshes Availability data
' Macro recorded 16/02/2009 by Barry
End Sub

Four windows need to be open.

I hope this helps clarify things


Hello again Barry,

Still not sure that I understand. However, perhaps the following code for
your Refresh will help. It is not necessary to select worksheets or ranges
when copying and pasting data and therefore the current active worksheet does
not change.

Note that a space and underscore at the end of a line is a linebreak in an
otherwise single line of code. There are some conditions when using line
breaks. For example you cannot place a line break in the middle of a string
enclosed in double quotes.

I use the line breaks when posting code because often long lines break at
undesired points when posting on the forum.

Sub Refresh()

'Copy and Paste in one line of code
'without selecting the worksheet or range

Sheets("Sheet2").Range("L4:Q75").Copy _

End Sub

Following on from there. If you want to control the macro so that it only
runs when Sheet2 of the activeworkbook is the active worksheet then you could
modify the event macro as follows. However, be aware that you will need to
have some way of changing K2 on entry sheet while sheet2 is the selected
sheet otherwise it will not run.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'Must disable events otherwise will run again
'when A2 is saved to T2

Application.EnableEvents = False

If ThisWorkbook.Name = ActiveWorkbook.Name And _
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = "Sheet2" And _
Range("A2") <> Range("T2") Then 'Value has changed

Range("T2") = Range("A2") 'Resave new A2 value

Call Refresh
End If

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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