


Is there a way to run a macro before (or after) each record is merged.
Is there a way to read the merge fields into the macro

Graham Mayor

What is it that you are trying to achieve?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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I would like to run some test on the merge field and then pass stuff
back to the merge. The skipif and nextif statements are too limited

Graham Mayor

It's like drawing teeth :(
What stuff?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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No its not... trust me I am also a dentist so I know (hope this will
not stop you from helping) but I also do some programing

Well you ask for it...The program we use has limited reporting ability
but a good mail merge program. We are trying to generate letters
with certain parameters

The actual criteria are complicated so I will make some up. For
instance, send a note to some who has not been in for a year or who
has not been in for six months if their last visit was an emergency
visit but do not send it if they asked not to recieve a letter. We are
able to get all this information from the mail merge module but it can
not selectviely filter it. Since mailmege does not support skipif in
an if statement I thought If i could use VBA to test for it an send
back a single variable telling the mail merge whether to skip that
record or not.

Got it? :)


Sounds like you'd be better off doing much of that in the other program
you use; the one with the the good mail merge program. Let *it* do the
work of determining which records to export, and then let Word just
import whatever it says.


Peter Jamieson

If it's Word 2002 or 2003 you can use the Word Mailmerge object's Events in
VBA to do a number of things at various points during a merge.
A starting point is;en-us;285333

specifically the MailMergeBeforeRecordMerge Event

However, that option isn't available in Word 2000 or earlier.

If you're not familiar with Event code in VBA I would have a look at the
Word VBA Help examples.

Graham Mayor

I have no problem with dentists but see how much more help you get when you
tell us what it is you are trying to do. :)

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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