


I have a spread sheet of data, one column with an IP address and a
second column with a Domain Name Server. I have written a function that
takes a host IP and a server IP and prints the DNS. I would like to
write a macro that goes down the column of IPs and determines the DNS
and prints it in that second column. Any ideas?

Here is the function script.

Function NSLookup(host, server)

strCommand = "nslookup " & host & " " & server
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objScriptExec = objShell.Exec(strCommand)
strNsLookupStdOut = objScriptExec.StdOut.ReadAll
arrLookup = Split(strNsLookupStdOut, "Name: ", -1,1)
v = arrLookup(1)
z = Split(v,"Address:",-1,1)
x = z(0)

End Function


I am trying to do something similiar. But I am trying to lookup the ip
address of a domain in col. a against 3 internal dns servers and report
their findings on col b, c, d and also what mail servers they have.

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