


In our database we have three controls: CC#, District and Building Name. I
am trying to get the District and Building Name to automatically populate
once the CC# is entered.
I set up a macro, that accomplishes this except - We have three different
districts and after I enter all the information, no matter what cc# you
enter, the same district # is filled in. I used SetValue. I checked at the
bottom and that part is right far as I can tell (I did enter the three
seperate districts there).


Steve Schapel


You are doing this on a form, right? What are the details of the macro
you have set up so far?

Do you mean to say that each CC# (by the way, it is not a good idea to
use a # as part of the name of a field or control), is associated with
one District and Building Name? Or do you mean that each CC# is
associated with one District, but there may be more than one Building
per District? What are the details of the table that your form is
based on? Do you have a table set up that lists the available CC#s? I
am not sure, of course, since I know virtually nothing about your
database at the moment, but I somehow suspect that your table design
could benefit from revising.

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