macro's and data analysis add in problems



I am trying to do the Ttest in the data analysis pak. I have a command
button that calls the following macro.

Sub Ttest()
' Ttest Macro
AddIns("Analysis ToolPak").Installed = True
AddIns("Analysis ToolPak - VBA").Installed = True
Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Pttestm",
ActiveSheet.Range("$D$52:$D$72"), ActiveSheet.Range("$E$52:$E$72"), "Ttest",
True, 0.05, 0
End Sub

When it executes it generates an error report to send to Microsoft.
I have the data analysis add in's checkmarked; and in references the
ATPVBAEN is checkmarked as well.
When I try and record the same macro over, I select from the Tool bar -
Tools/Data analysis/Ttest/ttest-two sample assuming unequal. The next screen
comes up, but if you select the grid from this menu so you can select the
range, and click in the cell you want, the select dots are over two cells. I
have tried this on another PC with the same loads of excel (latest 2003 with
sp1) it works fine.
So, I am at a loss as to how to fix this error, or is it the PC and will
have to rebuild.
I have deinstalled Office 2003 and reinstalled with the latest upgrades.

Thanks in advance for any help

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