Macros disappear after a file is imported


Brent E

Good afternoon everybody,

I am working on a program that exports data from an Access query to an Excel
spreadsheet. I then need to run an Excel macro on that spreadsheet. Export
works fine and can see exported data in an Excel spreadsheet fine. But.....

If I open a standard excel spreadsheet alone and click on my macros menu, I
can see a list of macros, but if a spreadsheet is exported from Access to
Excel AND Excel gets opened on an automatic basis by a VBA command, then I
can see my exported data, but my list of macros is blank and seems
unavailable. Anybody know why? (I know Excel macros get stored in
personal.xls file so they can be used on any workbook. But do imported files
not have access to this?) They can't be stored locally to a workbook because
every time data is exported, the file is overwritten.

Dave Peterson

When you start Excel like this, somethings don't get started.

The stuff in XLStart and Tools|Addins are a couple that need to be push started!

In your code that opens excel, just add a line to open your personal.xls
workbook, too.

(And any other addin you need.)

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